Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A flannel flower for good luck

A raft of dreary health complications, most of which centre around blood thinners, have ruled out my getting a tattoo. I'm only ever reminded of my lack of tattoo when I see one I particularly admire, like the small garland of roses on the tender inside of a forearm that I saw on a young British backpacker on my way home this evening. Obviously I refrain from photographing the forearms of strangers so you'll have to trust when I say it was very pretty.

If I were able to get a tattoo it would be of these, a flannel flower.

They're Australian natives and really do feel like brushed cotton flannel. I love the colour and believe it to be the most perfect shade of cream available on the colour spectrum. I would have my flannel flowers tattooed on my left shoulder.

These pretty blooms remind me too that some parts of our big wide country are currently struggling in very dangerous conditions, and that not having a tattoo is a very, very small thing between heaven and earth compared to what many of my country men and women face at the moment.

If you have time today, please spare some positive thoughts and hope for the people of Queensland.  If you're in Australia, don't forget that there are lots of places where you can make a donation.


  1. Have you ever considered getting a painted (temporary) tattoo? Some of them can last a week or more and, while not permanent, will give you enjoyment during that time.

  2. Indeed I have, Shy - twice! Great minds think alike! And you're right - I got great enjoyment from them and a little pouty when they inevitably washed away.

  3. Lovely flower, Bax, but tats don't wear very well--they can get very ugly with age.
