Saturday, August 20, 2011

Passing the garden to reach the road

It's likely no one enjoys going to work but every morning, when the train pulls in to the station before my stop, I feel pretty damned fortunate. Even today, when Winter gave Sydney a resoundingly wet goodbye kiss. 

I took that photo on my new phone. The phone is smarter than any person or machine I have ever met. Everyday its achievements and capabilities make me feel a little embarrassed. 

Tomorrow, rain or not, we're going to look for a new house. We've looked at a lot recently but nothing has seemed right, except this one: 

Trouble is, it's not for sale and quite obviously occupied. 
Look at that smug face. He's not going anywhere. 


  1. That IS a lovely looking house.Damn the smug face!

  2. Both smug and fierce at the same time. He's not going anywhere *and* he's hoping you make the attempt to remove him. At your peril.

  3. I don't think there could be a station anywhere with a more breathtaking view than Circular Quay. I used to disembark there for work and never tired of drinking it in. By the way - scone toast - yum! Barely resisted going a second round for lunch.

  4. Hello Helga! It is a great house. That cat knew I wanted it.

    He was an all-knowing beast, Dorky. I can only guess he photographed a lot on that perilous perch.

    I'm glad you like scone toast, Jenny! It's cake, it's toast, it's perfect with hot coffee. I think scone toast is the perfect food. And Circular Quay - I just love that view from the train window. It wakes me up.
